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Are deer afraid of dogs

Are Deer Afraid of Dogs?

Are you wondering if deer are afraid of dogs? It’s a common question among homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts alike. After all, deer are timid creatures, while dogs are known for their territorial nature and protective instincts. So, what’s the answer?

Do deer eat tomatoes

Do Deer Eat Tomatoes?

Whether you’re a gardener who likes to grow your own vegetables or are interested in the dietary preferences of deer, you might have wondered if deer eat tomatoes or tomato plants. So, do deer eat tomatoes, or would they rather go elsewhere for their food?

Female deer have antlers

Do Female Deer Have Antlers?

A common misconception regarding deer is that males grow antlers while females don’t. However, that’s not strictly true. Some deer species see female deer grow antlers as well. So, what are the circumstances in which female deer have antlers?

Why Do Baby Deer Have Spots

Why Do Baby Deer Have Spots?

Whether you’ve recently watched Bambi or encountered a real baby deer in the wild, you might have noticed that newborn fawns are covered in white spots and wondered why this is the case. So why do baby deer have spots when their doe mothers don’t?

Deer vs Antelope

Deer vs Antelope: What Are the Key Differences?

To the casual observer, deer and antelope may look similar, but several key differences exist. In this deer vs antelope comparison, we’ll examine the critical differences between these two types of large herbivores.

How many stomachs do deer have

How Many Stomachs Do Deer Have?

Similar animals that graze and browse have multiple stomachs; so you might well be wondering how many stomachs deer have in order to sustain such a varied diet. So just how many do they have?